Brain Computer Interface (13) Computer Vision (9) Diary (4) Natural Language Processing (9) Object Detection (5) Time Series (4) Virtual Reality (4)

 Brain Computer Interface (13)

Review - A multi-modal modified feedback self-paced BCI to control the gait of an avatar
Review - Continuous Hybrid BCI Control for Robotic Arm Using Noninvasive Electroencephalogram, Computer Vision, and Eye Tracking
Review - A Hybrid Speller Design Using Eye Tracking and SSVEP Brain–Computer Interface
Review - An EEG/EMG/EOG-Based Multimodal Human-Machine Interface to Real-Time Control of a Soft Robot Hand
Review - Motion Imagery-BCI Based on EEG and Eye Movement Data Fusion
Review - Hybrid EEG-EOG-based BCI system for Vehicle Control
Review - An autonomous hybrid brain-computer interface system combined with eye-tracking in virtual environment
Review - A Sliding Window Common Spatial Pattern for Enhancing Motor Imagery Classification in EEG-BCI
Review - A deep learning method for single-trial EEG classification in RSVP task based on spatiotemporal features of ERPs
Review - A hybrid BCI-controlled smart home system combining SSVEP and EMG for individuals with paralysis
Review - An integrated deep learning model for motor intention recognition of multi-class EEG Signals in upper limb amputees
Review - Brain Controlled Wheelchairs A Robotic Architecture
Review - Robust Classification of EEG Signal for Brain Computer Interface

 Computer Vision (9)

Introduce to EfficientDet
Introduce to Yolo v3
Introduce to EfficientNet
Introduce to Faster R-CNN
Introduce to Fast R-CNN
Introduce to R-CNN
Introduce to DenseNet
Introduce to ResNet
Introduce to CNN

 Diary (4)

2023년 한 해를 돌아보는 회고록
2022년 한 해를 돌아보는 회고록
2021년 한 해를 돌아보는 회고록
To start blog with Github

 Natural Language Processing (9)

Introduce to LUKE
Introduce to ELECTRA
Introduce to RoBERTa
Introduce to BERT
Introduce to Transformer
Introduce to Attention Mechanism
Introduce to Seq2Seq
Introduce to LSTM
Introduce to RNN

 Object Detection (5)

Introduce to EfficientDet
Introduce to Yolo v3
Introduce to Faster R-CNN
Introduce to Fast R-CNN
Introduce to R-CNN

 Time Series (4)

Intriduce to ARIMA Model
Introduce to Seq2Seq
Introduce to LSTM
Introduce to RNN

 Virtual Reality (4)

Review - User-defined walking-in-place gestures for VR locomotion
Review - The Effect of Multisensory Pseudo-Haptic Feedback on Perception of Virtual Weight
Review - Artificial Intelligence for the Metaverse - A Survey
Review - VR Locomotion in the New Era of Virtual Reality An Empirical Comparison of Prevalent Techniques